Paper/abstract submission guidelines

One author (co-author) can present a maximum of two papers.

The paper should be submitted as:

1) abstract 


2) abstract and full article.


Please see the explanation below

1) two-page abstract – (following a positive review) will be included in the Book of Abstracts. 

The abstract should be prepared using the ABSTRACT TEMPLATE, which also includes some guidance on content.

Please edit your abstract with any MsOffice or OpenOffice tool and send your file in .doc or .docx format.

2) abstract and full-text articlefollowing a positive review, submitted full-text articles can be published in Springer's publication

"Biomechanics in Medicine, Sport and Biology - part of the series "Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing" (submitted for indexing in databases: ISI Proceedings, EI-Compendex, DBLP, SCOPUS, Google Scholar, Springerlink). 

Detailed information about paper preparation can be found HERE.

The initial submission of the full paper has to include only a resulting PDF file suitable for reviewing, while the final submission requires all source files (TeX, graphics, etc.).





Full text articles as well as abstracts will be reviewed by two independent reviewers.

The papers will be presented during oral and poster sessions.

When submitting a paper for an oral session, please specify the subject area - in the appropriate selection field in the application form on the registration page.

The Scientific Committee will determine the final classification of the papers.

The official language of the Conference is English.